Design a profile picture for We Love Colors Facebook Page and win over $500 worth of prizes!
Prizes include a Wacom Tablet, iTunes Gift Cards, Helvetica Moleskines, Pantone Mugs, Gift Certificates, and Walls Notebooks!
This competition is open to everyone and anyone! Your design can be anything: painting, photoshop, drawing, doodles, etc. Contestants may submit multiple entries.
How to Enter:1. Create your image in A4 (8.3 x 11.7 inches) portrait size at 300dpi and keep hold of the high-res file.2. Post your image to our Facebook Wall!3. Get your friends to “like” your entry once it has been added to the We Love Colors Design Competition Gallery.
The image with the most “likes” each day will be our Profile Picture for the next day! One of prize categories will be awarded to the image with the most “likes”, so be sure to get your friends to vote by “liking” your entry!
So what are you waiting for? Submit your entry and win more than $500 in prizes! Entry deadline is September 10th, 2011. Good luck!