We are having so much fun seeing all your creative entries for our Halloween Costume Contest!
One of our contestants sent us this photo of herself and her friends wearing We Love Colors White Shoulder Gloves for their Sailor Moons costumes. Amazing!
Sailor Venus: http://www.facebook.com/SparklePipsi
Sailor Jupiter: http://www.facebook.com/LadyStaba
Sailor Mars: http://www.facebook.com/daydreamer.nessa
Sailor Mercury: http://www.facebook.com/nyunyucosplay
Sailor Moon: http://www.facebook.com/WindofthestarsCosplay
Sailor Uranus: http://furesiya.deviantart.com/
Sailor Pluto: http://www.facebook.com/kittyprincesskie
Sailor Saturn: http://neo-winggoddess.deviantart.com/
Photography by: http://www.facebook.com/DarkainMultimedia
Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors