Legs by Mendoza Weiss

colorful shapes and legs fashion editorial photography

We got an email from the young photographer Gabriel Mendoza, aka Mendoza Weiss sharing with us some of his work using We Love Colors thigh highs and bodysuits and thanking us in his words for our “rad leggings and bodysuits.” We looked up his name and started surfing through his creative and fun photography that is clearly Inspired By colors, so we got back to him and decided to ask a few questions so you all could know more about his work and pick his brain a little bit.

WLC: How did you find out about us?
GM: I found We Love Colors by word of mouth. A friend of mine is wardrobe stylist and mentioned to me there’s a clothing brand that would be right up my alley. I was looking for something that would offer me a wide selection of colorful stockings and bodysuits, and We Love Colors was a match made in heaven. I immediately knew I had to use We Love Colors for my photoshoot called Legs.

WLC: We can tell by your photography that you love colors, we are curious to know what is your creative process like?
GM: I get inspired by music, phrases, and little snippets of moments that happen right before my own eyes. I carry a small notebook around with me to jot glimpses of magic down. Occasionally, I will use my iPhone if I don’t have time to write things down. I’ll capture whatever I can. It’s kinda wonderful we always have some version of a camera on us at all times.

WLC: How about the framing your shots? Is there a lot of planning behind it or it comes spontaneously.
GM: When framing my shots I start with my subject in a position I had in my head prior to the shoot. We’ll call that first position point A. After I pop off a couple shots in A I’ll tell the subject to explore and move around in their environment…by the time we end with that look we’ve gone through half of the position alphabet! Most of the time everything starts grooving and jumping out at me around position M.

green legs wide angle fashion photography

fashion editorial pastel colors

WLC: If you could control the world like you control your photography what would you do?
GM: I love that question! I would have to say I would have everyone wear spring colors (lavenders, pinks, and yellows) for their wardrobe. There’s less anger within those colors. Additionally, everybody walks in perfect symmetry with who ever is walking next to them. There’s something special about banding together like that.

WLC: Tell us something else about you, any fun facts or hidden secrets?
GM: During shoots I like to make playlists that will help in communicating the vibe of the shoot. Sometimes you want to throw on some Anderson Paak and bump something soulful and upbeat. And then there’s the times you need something dreamy like Grizzly Bear. I get a lot of enjoyment out of making those playlists before shoots.

And the last fun fact about me is that I always think about never having taken my best photo yet…it’s still out there to be had. That’s the driving force behind all that I do. I’m so in love with that notion of always being hungry to create more.

Photo Series: Legs
Date: February , 2018
Photographer: Mendoza Weiss
We Love Colors Style: Style# 1501 – Solid Color Thigh Highs and
Style# 5002 – Scoop Neck Leotard
Colors Featured: Kelly Green, Lilac, Yellow and Light Pink

Color Tights Fashion Editorial Legs Medoza Weiss 1 1

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