Have the full We Love Colors shade selection right at your fingertips! Our color cards are a useful tool to help you choose the best color for any project. You can choose to get a color guide with all our 50 signature solid colors or get a card with one of our color families. This color card works as a reference but please consider that the shades may vary slightly between product styles due to fabric composition. Each color card is hand made with love.
It has been a while since I have made a purchase. Being a cosplayer many of the new products offered are awesome. I have never had an issue with we love colors.
It would be helpful to have a visual guide to view examples of what exactly each measurement is in refrence to. For example- a Bust measurement would be shown with a model showing how it should look when taking your own bust measurement. ECT.
">Bold Colors, Seamless Coverage, Effortless Transformation ">To bring colorful characters to life, you need the perfect match of durable bodysuits, leotards, gloves, and tights ...